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Tuesday 22 April 2008

Learning for Life

he best gift one can give to one’s child is a good education. It brings a sense of confidence and security. It is the means of social and economic development. It prepares the child to face the future challenges in life. Educated citizens are the wealth of a country. Hence the Right to Education is considered the basic human right.

All round development

      Education is not just making a person literate and numerate. It is the intellectual, mental, physical and emotional development of an individual. Schooling is a framework that encompasses the learning contents and processes. It can be called methodical learning. However, the schooling, today, has taken a whole lot of new dimensions.

Foundation must be strong

      Though learning occurs from infancy until death, the child is initiated into formal learning between the age of five and six years. The initial formative years of education sets the foundation upon which all further achievements are based.  This phase equips them well for life long learning.  Hence, the foundation should be laid with utmost care so that it should not have any adverse bearing on the child’s life later. 

     The children who step into the school are nothing but wet clay wanting to be moulded by the teachers.  The dreary-eyed tiny tots - with the tag ‘handle with care’ attached  - are quite apprehensive during the initial days. These turn playful once the inhibitions are shed.  Holding the attention of the wandering minds is another tough task.

Learning should be fun

      Children’s attention should be gradually drawn towards learning without their knowledge. They should be made aware of the joy of learning.  Instead of stuffing the information into the little brains, teachers should motivate the children to learn. Such an atmosphere should be created that the children are eager to absorb the information imparted by their teachers.

       Further, children should be left wanting to know more. Lest, the knowledge will bounce back without making any impact. Studying should be made like any other activity in their daily routine.    Drawing a beautiful analogy , well-known physicist Albert Einstein observed, “I believe that one could even deprive a healthy beast of prey of its voraciousness if one could force it with a whip to eat continuously whether it were hungry or not…”.

Education is new beginning

      Theoretically, education is the process of passing on the knowledge accumulated over generations.  But, it should not be the end, instead a new beginning should be made from thereon. It should serve as a platform for the train of thought to chug off.  The imagination and creativity of the taught should take wings.  Children should be taught how to think more than what to think. Inquisitiveness should be encouraged, for curiosity, it is said, is the mother of all inventions.

Each child is unique

     A class is like a beautiful garden with flowers of different hues. Owing to his/her background each student is unique. Hence different strategies work for different students. Reaching out to the needs of each student is a challenge to the teacher. The teacher should try to identify the strength of the student and improve upon his/her weakness. Every child hankers for recognition and appreciation. Encouragement is the catchword. Appreciating a student for his extra-curricular achievement may ultimately bring him back to his studies.

      Students can comprehend better if the topics taught can be related to the objects/incidents they are already familiar with. As it is said, seeing is believing, there should be more demonstrations. Thus life-long learners can be created. The mere rote learning does not last beyond examination.

     Extracurricular activities are as important as curricular activities. Physical and creative activities serve as stress busters and make the mind active receptor for the information.  All the extracurricular activities should finally lead to better learning.

Stress-free learning

     Examinations, in fact, assess students’ assimilation of the subject. Unfortunately, examinations in today’s competitive world are said to induce stress among children. But if taken in a healthy spirit, such small stresses go a long way in preparing the students to face bigger challenges in life.  Private tuitions have turned out to be another bane in the education system. A stress-free environment is what a child needs today. 

      Making a mockery of the education, Benjamin Franklin, the American statesman and scientist, said,  “He was so learned that he could name a horse in nine languages; so ignorant that he bought a cow to ride on”. This is what happens when learning occurs without understanding and thus turns out to be a drudgery. 

      The ultimate goal of education should be enlightenment. It should enable the child to differentiate between good and evil, justice and injustice, proper and improper, truth and untruth.

(Published in Platinum Jubilee souvenir of NKES, Mumbai )                            

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