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Wednesday 21 January 2009

Struggle for Survival


oing by the crowds in the malls and the multiplexes, the rising inflation, appears to have no effect on the affluent and the neo-rich. There could have been a dent in their investments but their day-today life seems to be least affected.  But it’s a body blow to the majority who struggles to make ends meet on a daily basis.

     This clearly shows the lopsided development of our society.  No wonder that a report states that India, that ranks fourth in the world’s list of dollar billionaires, ranks 126th in the human development.  The root cause of the problem is the stark disparity in the income levels.

     When Prime Minister Manamohan Singh expressed concern over this alarming trend, there was a large hue and cry. His statement drew flak especially from those whose income is in the upper bracket. Unfortunately, those who ought to have elated were not even aware of his statement.

     As the private sectors do not have a set guideline, the executives at the higher echelon try to extricate as more as possible while the staff at the other end of the spectrum are dolled out as little as possible. The high emolument is to placate and retain the limited talents.  Those who do menial jobs are always left with “fair” wages as in their case the supply outstrips the demand.

     Agriculture, nowadays, has turned out to be nothing but a gamble.  The situation being like this, there is a steady increase in the neo- rich, so is a rapid increase in the number of poor.

     Such lopsided development is, in fact, a dangerous trend. This breeds animosity between the classes. The poor could not afford to lead a decent life as all their needs go out of reach. The needle of blame for the deplorable plight of the poor tends to point at the rich.

     How else one can interpret an incident in Bangalore in the recent past? A group of four techies was attacked but without being looted of their money or valuables. It shows the hatred the  average Bangaloreans harbour against those people who made the city, a home for them for years,  unaffordable.  On the other hand the rich generally are apathetic towards the problems of the thousands of the poor around them.  

     Development has to be inclusive. It should not create a vast wedge between the classes. Difference between economic classes is natural, but it should not be so wide that the one class ending up with all the pleasures of life leaving the people at other end to struggle for survival.

(The article was published in Open Page section of The Hindu)

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