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Friday 10 April 2009

Bravo ! Goody!

hough unnerved when the death stares one in the face, it’s actually the beginning of the reflection on one’s own life. When one is aware of the fact that he/she is on the threshold of death, the pampered ego, consciously built for years, starts to crumble.  The person thinks, what he can do with the little time he has got in his hand. He knows the time is running out of his hand.

     The hypes apart, that was what the reality show celebrity Jade Goody did.  Taken aback when diagnosed with the cervical cancer, she rushed back to London from India where she was participating in a reality show.  

     True to a reality show star, she did not hide anything about her terminal illness from the media. She wanted even her final moments to be recorded. She was said to have sold the rights of her life story to a publishing firm and also the camera recordings. 

     Though it looked like a move to further her “career” till her death, she claimed that her intention was to secure the future of her little children by doing whatever she could do.   This again was a conscious decision, as Goody did not want a neglected and impoverished childhood like her for the children. She did not turn away from the marriage despite counting her days in the hospital bed.

     Post death Goody wanted to be connected with her children through Jesus. So they were christened days before her death. She lived to the hilt every moment of her final days. She never cursed the Almighty for the cruel turn in her life.  Bravo ! Goody!


     Her wish to be on camera all through her sufferings did not go without drawing flak from critics on ethical grounds.   But her life story, however, can be an inspiration for the many terminally ill patients, who die thousand times out of fear and depression before the final call.  The books and recordings can, in fact, be used to uplift the sagging spirit of such patients.
“Death is not the greatest loss in life”.  “The greatest loss is”, Norman Cousins said, “what dies inside us while we live.”  Jade Goody, let that never happen in her life like Norman Cousins, an American political journalist, activist, educationist and writer.

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