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Saturday 9 January 2010

Bedtime Stories


re you one of the lucky few who have grown up with a daily dose of bedtime stories? Wasn’t the experience refreshing? Wasn’t it rewarding? You might have eagerly waited for the bedtime each day. Well, such is the charm of the bedtime stories. 

     Imaginations run riot with these stories. Children try to draw a mental picture of the stories as colourful as possible. Have the tales ever become stale? No.  The stories would grow more interesting with many more twists with each narration. Different listeners visualize the same story in different ways. Children pestering whoever stayed overnight for a story was a common scene.

     Children learn values and morals through these mythological or folk stories. Such stories sow the seeds of the skills like reasoning, logical thinking and sequencing in the young minds.  Moreover, a strong bond and affection was developed between the listener and the narrator.

     The young children would be with the grandmother until the mother finished household chores. Children sleeping in the lap of the grandparents would fall into a deep slumber with contentment, awe, shock and what not depending upon the story!  Don’t you remember fantacising about the characters?

     Unfortunately, nowadays such a tradition is on the wane. In the nuclear families parents are engrossed in watching television. Even the children do not lag behind. If both the parents are employed, they would naturally be waiting to hit the sack.

     Anyway that does not mean that today’s children do not know stories. They may be knowing better stories, thanks to television and CDs. To make up for their absence, the working parents are ready to buy any number of expensive gadgets. But the most needed personal touch is lost. The readymade visuals do not give any scope for imagination. Nothing can match the bedtime stories told with fond caress or cuddle.

      On the other hand, not all have forgotten this age-old practice. There are some indulgent parents despite hard pressed against time. The advent of materialism and technology notwithstanding, there are certain households that religiously follow the tradition. Let the  kind be on the rise.


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