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Saturday 19 January 2013

What ails Indian TV Today?

hen the limited transmission of Doordarshan was the only succour for the entertainment-deprived class, many private players made inroads into our drawing rooms. Pleased were we. Today we have an overdose of entertainment in terms of countless television channels. Quantity is increased, the quality, unfortunately is not so. Chaos galore. Every kind of trash is dumped on us.

     At the outset, let me admit that this is not a “breaking news”.   If I say so for an oft discussed topic, it will be akin to a dime a dozen news channels that flash the same news as any other channel, yet claiming it to be a “breaking news”. All we want is news and we don’t bother about who broke the news. In this age of live coverages, the difference anyway is just a fraction of a minute.

      In a zeal to be the first to bring the news to our drawing rooms, sometimes even the facts are not cross checked. News channels sometimes don’t use any discretion even while divulging some sensitive information as has happened during the Mumbai terror attack.  Constantly scouting for some fodder, these round-the-clock channels make a mountain out of an anthill many a time. Sensationalizing trivial news goes in a similar vein. The same visuals and sound bites appear again and again. After all, seeing is believing.

     Why do the anchors on the channels argue with the panelists, instead of discussing the issue threadbare? At the beginning they stick steadfast to a certain point of view and even after discussing (?) with experts, the conclusion, at the end, is the same.  It is back to square one. Then what is the point in wasting so much of time?  Are they fooling us? Well, then we are free to switch channels.

     When it comes to general entertainment channels (GECs), we are shocked to see a different person altogether in place of our favourite character. It takes time for the audience to accept the new person in that role. And lo, we may see another actor replacing the character by then. Why is the protagonist in the family soap always submissive and another person scheming forever? Even we the audience feel like retaliating, why don’t the protagonists? When the truth is at your side, don’t fear to stand up is what we are taught.

      Astrologers in different hues predict our future for the day in as many channels in morning hours. The hapless audience is confused as to which one to believe. To top it, they come out with the weirdest of solutions.  So are the financial pundits who offer their “valuable nuggets.”

     Indian classical music, dance and other art forms do not get adequate coverage in any other channels except the Doordarshan channels.

      Even the children’s channels have remained no more such channels.  Most of the plots revolve around how to bunk class, cheat parents and such other things.  When the talk on gender sensitization has reached a crescendo, the concept of boy friend or girl friend is fed into the little minds at such an impressionable age.  Why to prefix a friend with a boy or a girl. A friend is a friend.

       I abhor the most the reality shows for children. The disparaging comments by the judges lower the self confidence of the children who are yet to explore the world.  Have anyone done a follow up on these losers?  They might be wallowing in low self-esteem. The insult may go the extent of committing suicide as reported from Kolkata a couple of years ago.

     In other reality shows too, controversial persons are brought in the hope of grabbing maximum eye balls.  The more the controversy, the more is the popularity, the channels believe. Notoriety is the ticket to participate in these shows.   We are made to believe that entertainment is entertainment, be it in any manner.

     Earning more TRPs to attract more advertisers is the root cause of these anomalies.  Some political interference and staid programmes not withstanding, I give a thumbs up to Doordarshan channels for their balanced coverage of all facets of life. It too has evolved with time. Besides, some niche channels are doing a good job.


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