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Wednesday 28 September 2016

Sundara Puranik Memorial Govt School - Stands apart among the lot

undara Puranik Memorial Government High School, well-known as Pervaje School,   is one of the highly regarded institutions in Karkala. The fact that no private school in the vicinity finds such a student rush for admission, is indeed a tell-tale evidence to its popularity. Parents vie to get admission for their children in the school, albeit not all succeeding.

     A chance visit to the school on a rainy day recently was a kind of reality check.  The tidiness and the discipline strike you the most when you enter the premises. Students were amidst having milk as per the government scheme.  There was no rush or clamour of any kind.

     The school imparts education both in Kannada and English mediums. It has a well-equipped science laboratory besides a fully functional computer laboratory unlike other government schools. A computer instructor has been appointed on an honorary basis. As all students of a class cannot be accommodated at the computer lab at a time, they are taken on rotation. There is a small library for other students at the class itself when others go for computer practicals!

     The school library has a good collection of books. Students are advised to write reviews of the books they read.  Reviews are compiled and the best fetches a prize too!  Selected poems written by students on different occasions are brought out as Prakrti Vaibhava. Gomathi is the monthly magazine. The annual school magazine winning an award every year is a matter of pride for the school.

     The mid-day meal kitchen equipped with a mixer and a grinder is maintained clean. The food is cooked through steam. The plates and the tumblers are arranged neatly in shelves.  
     The school has a hall, though it is not sufficient to accommodate all students at a time. The open air auditorium is large enough to host special occasions. An indoor stadium is another much needed facility in the school.   The students have the facility of a covered parking area for their bicycles. 

     Washrooms are kept clean, a stark contrast to the stinking and ill-maintained toilets of a private school which I had visited a few days earlier.

     The tenth standard students get extra coaching online. The school takes interest in training students in extra-curricular activities like yakshagana, karate, theatre etc.  With such facilities and guidance, no wonder that the students have brought laurels to the school.

     The school makes use of all the facilities provided by the government, besides augmenting them with private contributions.

     “Just because this is a government school, our students should not be deprived of any facilities available at private schools, “ says  K Harshini,  the Headmistress. This, in fact, sums up her commitment to see to it that students are no less to any student at other private schools when they pass out.  Equally dedicated is the whole band of enthusiastic teachers. 

     As I left the premises, not only convinced I was, my opinion about the school was a notch high.

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