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Thursday 2 March 2017

Marks should be augmented with skill competency

Image result for students kids clipart 
o!  All work and no play has made Jack a dull boy! Students are lost in the rut of rote learning.  Learning, which ought to be knowledge-oriented, has unfortunately, turned out to be marks-driven.

     Sometimes it’s parental aspiration that wrecks havoc in the lives of children.  Not considering the inclination and interest of children, over-ambitious parents try to live their dreams through their children, which I feel is a gross injustice meted out on young minds.

     A study revealed that minds at leisure/rest can be fertile grounds for new ideas.  Gone are those days.  Today leisure is a luxury for the time-pressed students.  With whatever the little time they get, they either attend one or the other classes that come in attractive names or meddle with the electronic gadgets. 

     The industry observation that today’s educated youth are not employable proves the fact that mere bookish knowledge cannot lead you anywhere.   Skills, be it professional, soft or social, can be honed through practical experience in the real world outside. Along with the marks, weightage should be given to how one carries oneself in different situations.   It’s your personality what makes you. Marks are just a part of it.

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