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Sunday 16 October 2016

Education: A New Perspective

ducation is the mental, intellectual and emotional development of an individual besides making him/her literate and numerate.  The process of imparting education has come a long way from the ancient Gurukula system to the present-day technology -aided environment . 

     Education gaining all the more importance than before is indeed a heartening development. But what’s alarming is that education which ought to have knowledge-oriented has turned out to be marks-driven. Hence schools have become factories producing scoring machines.  Students have become robots sans any critical and creative thinking. Settling their children in high-paying jobs has been the ambition of every over-zealous parent.  But education is much beyond it.  So what can be done to come out of this dismal scenario?

    One cannot deny the importance of knowledge of the subject. But in addition to marks students should be assessed through various parameters.  Weightage should be given to other activities a student excels in. 

     Students should be exposed to various real-life situations based on the theory taught in the class. The knowledge gained in the class should serve as a platform for the train of thought to chug off. The imagination and creativity of the taught should take wings. Children should be taught how to think than what to think. Inquisitiveness should be encouraged, for curiosity, it is said, is the mother of all inventions. There should be competent and passionate teaching professionals to guide the students. 

     Students should be taught soft skills and social skills. Students must be introduced to all types of vocational skills. While mastering one or two subjects of their choice, they better be the Jack of all. Students should be taught to face failures also.  Ultimately these are the qualities that help them to cope with the real world in future.

     Candidates should be chosen for a particular profession not solely on the basis of the marks scored. Their aptitude too should be assessed.  The mere rote learning does not last beyond examination.

      Students should be encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities. Physical and creative activities serve as stress busters and make the mind active receptor for the information. All the extra-curricular activities should finally lead to better learning. 

     My heart goes out for small children who are shuttled between schools and tuitions classes. Current education has left them with little time to enjoy their childhood. Tuition classes which start right from kindergarten should be banned at least in smaller classes. A stress-free environment is what is needed for joyful learning. 

    One cannot say no to the ubiquitous technology. In smaller classes, the use of technology should be less and human interface should be more. But in higher classes, as knowledge gathering and assimilation gathers momentum, technology can be put to optimal use.

     Children should be introduced to family traditions and familial ties and bonding. They should be taught to respect elders and value relationships. This will go a long way in doing away with the current trend of sending the aged parents to old-age homes.

    The ultimate goal of education should be enlightenment. It should enable the child to differentiate between good and evil, justice and injustice, proper and improper, truth and untruth. Education should make children confident and mould them as asset of the country.

 (The write-up has bagged the second prize in the essay competition conducted for public by Sandeepan English Medium School, Kirimanjeshwara)

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