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Wednesday 7 January 2015

Is this the Achche Din for poor farmers?

ecent ordinance on acquiring land for purposes such as security and defence, infrastructure and affordable housing has come as a bolt from the blue to the farmers of the country who have been eagerly looking forward to Achche Din since the ascent of Narendra Modi to the post of Prime Minister. The ordinance is all set to hurt the very backbone of the agrarian country.

     The honourable Prime Minister who is looked up, rather touted, as the harbinger of good days, seems to have betrayed the very people who elected his party to power anticipating a change for better.

     True, development is his mantra. But why does the buzzword not encompass the agricultural sector which, of course, is in dire need of development?  The field can be made attractive for youngsters by introducing new technology. More funds should be allocated for research and development in the field. The young educated who return to fields can be encouraged by offering incentives.  More importantly, steps should be taken to bridge the yawning gap between the procuring and the selling prices.

     But alas! Poor farmers of this country have become increasingly insecure living the nightmare of their land being snatched at any time. With the Damocles’ Sword hanging over their head, they would not be left with any drive to develop their land. Reassurance to these battered souls appears to be a distant dream. As a consequence, food production will suffer.     The developments will spiral into skyrocketing prices of food items. Food production, which ought to have been placed at the centre of the much touted Make in India slogan, is seen not even at the periphery.
     Farmers will get four-times the price of their land as compensation, as per the ordinance. This is nothing but justifying the injustice meted out to the land owners.  There are instances of people splurging the compensation amount on luxuries only to be reduced to penury in later years.  Ultimately these people migrate to cities for a livelihood further straining the fragile urban infrastructure. 

     The recent action of the NDA government of pricing half of the taktal tickets in trains depending upon the demand, goes against the interest of the common people.  Instead of controlling the private travel operators who fleece the passengers, government has toed the same line.

      Prime Minister’s pep talks on every possible occasion like Teachers’ Day and Children’s Day and the feel-good projects such as Swachch Bharat Abhiyan and Good governance Day just give a semblance of the promised Achche Din. However, when it comes to taking concrete decisions, he appears to appease the cream rather than the downtrodden.   The fact that whichever party comes to power, the common man is always left to run from pillar to post, has been proved once again.

Indira R. Acharya

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