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Wednesday 5 November 2014

Seashore misadventures

ince time immemorial beaches have an alluring effect on people’s minds. People of all age groups just love the seaside. For some it’s unwinding, for some it’s soothing, for some it’s fun and frolic, if it’s not any of these, there are people who frequent the beach simply to savour the beauty of its vastness.

     However, it’s mostly the revellers who drown in the sea.  It’s just like any other misadventure of the adrenalin-packed youngsters of today.  The flamboyant youth, who do not want to be looked down upon in their peer group, throw all the cautions to the wind and brave the surging waves.  Such acts of bravado arise on the spur of the moment.  Soon everything goes out of control.

     Such mishaps, however, do not deter the open-space starved Mumbaiites from visiting beaches.  It’s not the beaches that endanger people’s lives, but the mindless acts of people. The sea doesn’t devour us, but we unwittingly offer ourselves to it. We should learn to rein in our impulses and try to follow the beach etiquettes. No amount of warnings and even the lifeguards can save us if we ourselves put our lives in danger.  

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