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Thursday 22 November 2018

Stories as Teaching Aids

hose face doesn’t light up at the mere mention of the word story?  Such is its magical power.  Story telling evolved vis-a-vis human civilization. Perhaps, story-telling is the mother of communication across cultures.   There could be a culture which is not literate, but there couldn’t be any without a rich legacy of telling stories.  
     Thus stories have been effective form of communication since time immemorial.  As the stories’ characters unfold, a lovely and lively atmosphere is created.  Stories can enliven any dreary occasion.
     Hence it’s not surprising that stories can be a powerful tool in classrooms for effective learning.  Studies after studies have stressed the fact.  Stories have manifold impact on children in classrooms.
Set the stage: Stories are the perfect ice breakers to start with. An anecdote is enough to strike a bond between the teacher and the taught.  Any inhibition and fear that holds back the student is done away with, bringing emotional proximity.
Relaxed learning: Learning through stories is quite entertaining and enjoyable. Learning in such stress-free environment does not drain the students.
Alert mind: Students are all ears for stories.  Alertness is at peak while listening to stories.  Ideas can be easily sown into alert minds.
Attention span:  Stories can develop listening skill among students. They hold the attention of wandering minds for quite a long time, prolonging the attention span.
Active participation: Pupils are active participators in a set up where stories are used to impart knowledge.  Teaching them with mere facts and figures make them passive receptors of knowledge. Classes can be made more interactive through stories.
Creativity: It aids the train of thinking and imagination to chug off.  With every story, their imagination runs riot.
Generates interest: More than imparting information, a teacher should be in a position to create interest in the subject taught. The interest generated through stories takes them back to textbooks and also to other sources for additional information. 
Interests reluctant learners:  Stories interest everyone irrespective of academic inclination.  This new found interest may bring back the passive and reluctant learners to academics gradually.

How can stories be brought into picture?
     A class can be begun with a story, which ultimately should lead to the topic at hand.
     Stories can be used to teach every topic be it language or core subject.  Difficult concepts can be illustrated through stories. Any concept taught using a story will remain for years.
Teaching language, a teacher should have some new words, idioms and phrases and grammar concepts in mind. While explaining the text, those words or concepts should be repeated as many times as possible driving home the meaning and usage of such expressions. Students can be encouraged to come up with different expressions.
     Teaching abstract concepts is not an easy task. Build a story around them, the concept is absorbed pronto!  Stories are nothing but humanizing the concepts. Even mathematics and science too can be taught through stories. Logic behind every concept, theory and formula should be explained through stories.
     A popular story to remember the symbiotic relationship in a lichen goes thus: Freddy Fungus was good at building houses, but did not know to cook.  For his food, he had to find dead plants or animals around. Once he could not find anything to eat.  Sitting on a tree stump, poor Freddy happened to spot a green thing at a rain puddle. It was Alice Algae who was preparing food in the sunlight. Greetings were exchanged and eventually both took a lichen (liking) to each other.  They both got married and lived together happily ever after. Freddy built the house and Alice cooked food provided there was sunlight.  It’s a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and an alga. The very sight of a lichen on a rock or any hard surface reminds one of this mutually beneficial arrangement.
     Addition of two negative numbers is a negative number, the number being the sum of two numbers.  Too confusing for beginners. My teacher explained it thus: When you lend 100 bucks, you are ‘minus’ of the amount. If you lend another 250 bucks, again you are ‘minus’ of Rs. 250. So two minuses of Rs 100 and Rs 250 together make a ‘minus’ of Rs 350. The plus-minus puzzle can be easily solved in this method. This simple logic taught before decades has still remained with me.
      Histroy is a story itself sprinkled with names and years.  History repeats, hence the past should be made relevant by drawing analogies with the present.
      Every aspect in the text book should be related to real life situations as much as possible. The teacher and the lesson taught through stories will be remembered for years.  Those joyful learning experiences are relished forever.
-               Sanoor Indira Acharya

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